Meningococcal Vaccination
Meningococcal disease is a serious and potentially life-threatening infection that can progress rapidly. Even if people survive, they may experience long-term and severe consequences such as limb amputation, hearing loss, seizures, brain inflammation, lung infection and permanent skin disfigurement.
Meningococcal vaccines protect against the bacteria that cause meningococcal disease.
Book your appointment at a time and place that's convenient for you.
What is Meningococcal disease ?
Meningococcal disease is a bacterial infection which present similarly to other flu-like illnesses with approximately 80% of cases presenting with a rash that does not blanch (become pale/go white) when pressed. In New Zealand, the infection is mostly caused by the groups A,B,C,W,Y progressing to meningitis and septicaemia in severe cases. The bacteria is transmitted from person to person by saliva, e.g kissing and can lead to severe complications.
Why should I get Meningococcal Vaccination ?
Meningitis causes inflammation of the membrane around the brain and spinal cord and septicaemia is the poisoning of the blood which can lead to the loss of limbs. It is very common in children under the age of 5, teenagers and young adults, especially those that are living in close living accommodations.
Do you know a student in their first year living in halls at school or university?
They may be at higher risk of Meningococcal disease, which spreads easily in close living conditions. Be a lifesaver - let them know they can protect themselves with free Meningococcal vaccines, available at Unichem and Life Pharmacy. The free vaccine is available for students aged 16-25 in their first year in halls.
Encourage them to book their vaccine today—walk-ins are available at selected pharmacies.
How to get Meningococcal Vaccination ?
Pharmacy now offers funded vaccines against meningococcal disease for those that are eligible, this includes those that are at high-risk of catching the disease (young adults living in close living situations, e.g halls of residence).