Pain is the body’s way of telling us something is wrong. By describing the pain to your Unichem Pharmacist – headache, migraine, period pain, backache, joint pain, sore muscles – they can make an informed recommendation and you can BE SURE you’re getting the pain relief that best suits.
Best for you and your type of pain.
Exact dose – your Pharmacist will tell you how much medicine you should take and how often.
Safe to take together – tell the Pharmacist if you’re taking other medicines so they can make the right recommendation.
Upsetting you – they’ll let you know how long you can take the medicine before it may start to upset your stomach, liver or kidneys.
Risking your health – also let the Pharmacist know about any other health conditions you have.
Easiest to take – the Pharmacist can let you know if there’s another form of a medicine that’s worked for you in the past, one that’s easier to swallow or may work faster.
As the medicine specialist, your Unichem pharmacist can help guide you towards the right type of pain relief, from general products to Pharmacy-Only medicine.
A little bit about Pharmacy-Only medicine
A Pharmacy-Only medicine can only be found within a pharmacy. This can relate to product ingredients and product pack sizes that by law cannot be sold elsewhere. While these medicines are not required to be stored behind the dispensing counter, if your Unichem Pharmacist recommends one, they’ll ask some questions about your condition, other medicines you’re taking and your personal details. Your Unichem team is happy to assist with information and specific advice about any medication.
Pain relief for your child
The article ‘A guide to fever in children’ contains a paracetamol and ibuprofen dosage guide to ensure you are aware of safe dosages in children. You can also get a guide from your Unichem Pharmacist.
Pregnancy and breastfeeding
Paracetamol is usually considered the pain reliever of choice for pregnant and breastfeeding women, but first check with your Pharmacist before taking any pain relievers.
When to see your doctor
Visit the doctor if your pain becomes worse or lasts more than 2 - 3 days (more than 24 hours for young children).